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why does my pool heater keep shutting off?

A pool heater shutting unexpectedly could be a nuisance to you, especially on those days you prefer to spend more time in the pool. If the pool is for commercial purposes, you lose bucks from your customers.

You can solve the problem of the pool heater shutting off using a few solutions. Let’s first find out what could cause the heater to trip off.

What causes the pool heater to trip off?
Unusual turning off and on a pool heater shows there’s something wrong, and the heater system needs fixing. Below are reasons why the heater keeps turning off and on:

Blocked impeller
Sometimes debris from water deposits itself on the impellor, causing a blockage. When the impeller is blocked, its fun can’t rotate to pull water from the filter. Pool heaters must have water for heating, and when there’s no water supply, the heater will turn off.

Less voltage supply
A pool heater’s mortar requires enough voltage supply to heat the water; if not, the heater turns off. Loose wires or improper wiring leads to low voltage.

Less power supply
Electric gadgets have their power supply required to run. When the mortar receives less power energy, it won’t turn on. If the heater was running then suddenly stops, check the amount of power supply and disconnect any appliances from your home consuming more power.

A pool heater has a thermostat to regulate the heat supply to the heater. Excess heat supply causes the thermostat to break its circuit to prevent more heat from getting to the heater; hence it turns off.

Pool heater problems
For a perfect working pool heater, all internal parts must be in excellent condition. If not, the heater stops functioning. Various internal defects may arise, stopping the normal functioning of the heater. Below are heater problems pool owners experience.

The heater shuts off before reaching the desired temperature
Sometimes, you turn on the heater, and it works but shuts down before reaching the desired temperature to keep the pool water warm. In this case, incorrect thermostat settings and a smaller heater than the size of the pool are the culprits.

A thermostat setting of a lower temperature than the pool’s water causes the thermostat to stop after reaching the set temperature.

A small heater heating a large quantity of pool water will not heat all the water uniformly to the desired temperature because it has a low heat supply.

The heater won’t turn on
Internal defects in a heater will make it not turn on, however much you try. Possible reasons why the heater won’t turn on are:

Clogged dirty filters- debris deposits on the filter prevents the fun from sucking in water for heating.
Closed gas supply valve- Gas is an essential ingredient to run a heater because the gas heats up to warm the water from the pump. When the valve is closed, no gas enters.
Closed filter valve and plumbing valve- These valves allow water to enter for heating. Closing them prevents water from entering the heater.
Incorrect temperature setting- When the temperature setting on the thermostat is lower than the pool water temperature, the heater refuses to turn on.

why does my pool heater keep shutting off?