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is my ac sized appropriately

is my ac sized appropriately

We just had our AC installed today and I'm unsure of it was sized correctly.

For some context, we live in Ontario, Canada and it was about 27C today.

We have had our AC running for about 4 hours now and it's cooled from 80F to 75F in that time.

We just moved into this home which is why we had a new AC installed.

Our home is about 2050 sqft, first floor has 9 or 10 foot ceilings and 8 feet in the second floor.

We have 14 windows in total in both floors and 2 exterior doors.

There are 4 of us living in the home.

I feel as though it is taking very long to cool our home and the second floor doesn't seem to be getting much ventilation.

I just looked up the manual j calculation and it seems we would have been better off with a 3 ton AC.

I am a bit disappointed because both Detla Air systems and Advance Heating and Cooling said we should be good with a 2 ton system.

Both organizations are highly rated and seemed knowledgeable.

Were we wrong in choosing a 2 ton system? If so, is it possible to have Advance Heating and Cooling come back and swap it out for a 3 ton system if we pay the difference in price?

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Question from user Les_Habitants912 at hvacadvice at reddit.


Sizing an air conditioning system involves several factors, including the square footage of the house, ceiling height, insulation, number and size of windows, and the climate in your area. It's important to have a properly sized AC unit to ensure efficient cooling and comfort.

Based on the information you provided, your home is 2050 sqft with varying ceiling heights and 14 windows. However, a comprehensive analysis would require more detailed information and calculations to determine the exact cooling load required for your specific home.

The Manual J calculation you mentioned is a widely used method for determining cooling and heating loads in residential buildings. It takes into account various factors to provide an estimate of the appropriate system size. If you believe that a 3-ton AC unit would have been more suitable based on your calculations, it may be worth considering having a professional HVAC technician perform a Manual J calculation for your home to verify the sizing.

Regarding your specific situation, it's best to contact Advance Heating and Cooling directly to discuss your concerns. They are the ones who assessed your home and recommended the 2-ton system. Explain your observations about the cooling performance and your calculations based on the Manual J method. They should be able to evaluate your situation and advise you on the best course of action.

It's possible that there could be other factors contributing to the slower cooling on the second floor, such as insufficient insulation or issues with ductwork. A professional assessment would help identify any potential issues.

In terms of swapping out the AC unit for a larger size, that would depend on the policies and agreements you have with the installation company. Reach out to Advance Heating and Cooling and inquire about the possibility of upgrading to a 3-ton system and any associated costs. They would be in the best position to provide guidance on this matter.

Remember, it's always important to consult with HVAC professionals who can assess your specific situation on-site and provide accurate recommendations.

is my ac sized appropriately