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what do i need to do to clean this air conditioner up

what do i need to do to clean this air conditioner up

Question from user lowfive__ at hvacadvice at


need a new piece of armaflex on the suction line (larger copper tubing).

Thermostat wire needs to be replaced, ideally new piece from inside the house to the unit outside, whether you run an entirely new run of it from the furnace or air handler out, or you make up a splice inside the house where its not exposed to the outdoor weather. I would also suggest getting a length of 1 – 2 inch LFNC to put the thermostat wire in to protect it from the Sun and string trimmer.

Half a dozen black zip ties, tidy it all up in a bundle.

Answer from user Determire at hvacadvice at

what do i need to do to clean this air conditioner up